Adele Rostami


  • 021 765 393
  • Email
  • Practises at:
  • Royston Hospital
  • Consults at:
  • Royston Centre 325 Prospect Road, Hastings 4122

Adele Rostami


B Dietetics Hons Degree

Adele is a specialist dietitian who has had advanced training and experience through her 20 years in the NHS, UK and the last 4 years in New Zealand. Areas of expertise include:

Gastroenterology (Adult and Paediatric)
  • Nutrition therapy in Chron’s disease,
  • Ulcerative Colitis,
  • Diverticular disease
  • IBS, Fodmap and other food sensitivities, allergies
  • Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity, coeliac disease, other malabsorption disorders
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Enteral and parenteral feeding (supporting adults and children on artificial feeding i.e. TPN, PEG, PEJ and NG feeds.
Diabetes (Adult and Paediatric)
  • Type 1 Diabetes, carbohydrate counting and dose adjustment, Insulin pump therapy, Islet cell transplants
  • Type 2 Diabetes, carbohydrate awareness, glycaemic index, pre-diabetes, gestational diabetes, reactive hypoglycaemia

Heart Health
  • Cholesterol, Hyperlipidaemia
  • Blood pressure and stress concerns
  • Metabolic syndrome
Other Paediatrics
  • Sensory sensitive/ perseverant and fussy eaters, neurodiverse children with feeding difficulties, pica
  • Failure to thrive
  • Constipation
  • Obesity, Prader Willi syndrome
Nutritional Support
  • Weight loss, poor appetite
  • Oncology
  • Post-surgery
Bariatric surgery and specialist weight management input
  • Obesity
  • Emotional eating
Disordered eating behaviours and eating disorders
  • In-depth assessments of macro- and micro-nutrients of adult and paediatric diets