Royston Hospital

Royston Hospital provides the most comprehensive range of private surgical facilities in the Hawke’s Bay area, supported by the latest technology, equipment and facilities.

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At a glance


Inpatient Beds


Operating Theatres & Procedure Rooms





About the Hospital

Royston Hospital is a heritage-listed site supported by the latest health technology, hospital equipment and medical and surgical facilities.

Royston Hospitals operating suite comprises seven theatres, an endoscopy procedure room, modern CSSD and an 8-bed recovery unit fully equipped to meet the requirements of advanced surgery. Recent expansions to Royston Hospital included two new operating theatres, a new patient pre-admissions and admissions areas, recovery areas, and stores.

Royston Hospitals specialist day hospital is situated adjacent to the operating theatres and specialises in orthopaedic treatment and support for those in their care to have surgery and be discharged home on the same day. The Royston Centre adjoining the hospital provides specialist consulting rooms and specialist cardiology, physiotherapy, and radiology facilities.

ISO 9001 Accreditation

Royston Hospital is proud to be ISO 9001 Standard accredited. The standard is based on international best practice quality management principles. Adoption of these standards ensures our patients receive consistent, quality service.

Make an enquiry

Contact Royston Hospital

  • Phone (New Zealand)
    +64 6 873 1111

  • Address

    500 Southland Road
    Hastings 4122